Tonight I went to the Andy Warhol exhibit at the Musee des Beaux Arts here in Montreal. I think I need to learn to use a silk screen and meet some important people. Yes, that is a sheep on my head. No, this is not my costume.
I love Halloween! I am dressed for it all year! My Halloween wish is that one day I can afford to celebrate at the Hotel Chelsea and stay in a room where someone famous died. Maybe I would get inspired by some ghostly creative vibe.
What are you doing to celebrate and what are you dressing up as? Methinks I have a costume but I won't reveal what it is until I post the pics...coming soon!
Welcome everyone to my new blog! That is yours truly above. I am a simple, debonair pig of modest means and great ambitions. People call me Mr. Piggles but that name is as common amongst pigs as John Smith amongst English people, hence I have shared my first name. I enjoy a good book, good food and going out. I also delight in fridge magnet poetry. The entire landscape of my fridge is decorated with charming and often smutty impromptu poems using the Shakespeare, Movie and Artist sets. The most marvellous of the bunch shall be posted here later. I look forward to sharing the world of my blog with you!