Friday, August 28, 2009

Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui peut me dire qui je suis?

I believe I'm having a bit of an existential crisis at the moment. I haven't updated in quite sometime as I'm really not sure where this blog is going. I need a focus and haven't found it! Whilst in search of my blog's identity, I've been doing a lot of reading. You may have noted that most of my posts are about books lately. Presently, I'm reading L'insoutenable legerete de l'etre by Kundera. (Again, please ignore my lack of accents...complicated computer problems.) I've read approx. 300 pages of the 500 that comprise this novel. It is fascinating and really dense but oh so depressing at the same time. I've really been reading a lot of depressing books lately. They tend to be philosophical and really open my mind to some new concepts, but make me a little disturbed as well. This particular book was given to me by monsieur James on the seven year anniversary of my time in Montreal. Thank you J!

Suggestions are always welcome! Shall I retire the blog, find a new focus, or just improve what I've already started?

Kisses darlings!

As well, I've been going through a bit of a hard time lately and I just want to thank my wonderful friends who have been so supportive. You mean that world to me!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hiking, Reading, Studying-Hooray!

Thank you Ange for inviting me to your lovely cottage! For my dear readers, here is a picture of me in the forest near Val Morin. My friends and I hiked down a really steep ravine in an attempt to see what we thought was a waterfall. It is there below me but doesn't really show up in the picture. I had a fantastic weekend staying near Lac Raymond-it was my first time in the area but I hope it's not my last.

I have not yet finished Minima Moralia, I ended up putting it aside so that I could read Les Particules Elementaires by Michel Houellebecq. This is the second Houellebecq novel that I've read. I doubt his name is familiar to my anglophone readers even though he has been translated into English. Francophone readers might know who he is. His books are dark, depressing and somewhat offensive-just the kind of book that I like! This one was fascinating, but I don't recommend reading it if you happen to be unemployed and feeling down about the recession or life in general. This book will not make you feel any better!

Here is a NEWS-type item for the Montrealers with an interest in Greek and Roman Mythology. My good friends over at Laodamia Press are now offering classes in Mythology, Latin and Greek. Their prices are very reasonable and they are now registering for two classes: "Introduction to Mythology" and "The Tragedies of Euripides". Both classes will be taught by Dr. Erez Natanblut, a former Queen's University prof. who recently moved back to his hometown of Montreal. You can find more information on their Web site here.