Saturday, May 8, 2010


Do you know a married couple that hate each other but refuse to get divorced? Does this married couple still insist on marking the occasion of their anniversary each year? Have they made the occasion into an opportunity to further provoke one another? Ex: He buys her a bathroom scale (hint, hint honey) and she buys him a tow rope with ample length to tie a noose?

Despite the dysfunction, do you still feel obligated to acknowledge their anniversary as well? Alas, in this case I'm referring to my parents. Yes, I have them. In a couple of weeks they will be 'celebrating' 33 years served in a life sentence. Each year I try to at least send a card but Hallmark just doesn't seem to make ones that fit the occasion. All the cards say something along the lines of "You are so perfect together,"and "Here's to many more blissful years" or "To the most loving couple I know." I few years ago I gave up on the anniversary card section all together. My solution? Sympathy cards! I find that my sentiments are best captured with a card along the lines of: "Just letting you know that my thoughts are with you during this painful time." After I sent the first one, I expected to be off the hook for life. Alas, my mother called me to say she had a good laugh. I guess it's good to suffer with a sense of humour and at least I know where to shop for cards each year.

My friends, you may think of this story if ever you are pondering why I'm a single pig!

Kisses darlings!