Saturday, December 6, 2008


Last Sunday I went to the Expozine in the Plateau. I wanted to enjoy myself but it was in a church basement and very crowded. It was hard to get in close to look at the different works or talk to the artists. Maybe I will try again next year.

Yesterday I rented 99 Francs as part of my attempts to improve my French. I had never heard of the film but was pleasantly surprised. It is certainly not family-friendly but that is maybe what I liked about it. It basically is a critique of our consumerist society and the role that advertising and marketing play from the perspective of a coked-up French ad exec named Octave. Most of the film had the pace of an advertisement as well. I definitely recommend renting it if you like dark humour and don't mind gratuitous drug use and sex.

I am still working on my painting of the buildings. I was quite pleased with its progress initially but now I feel that I have muddled the colours and need to get back to a more restrictive colour palette to make it work. I am too much of a perfectionist sometimes. The hours that I have dedicated to that piece would probably add up to almost a week.

Tonight's song is 'Last Goodbye' by Jeff Buckley. I really like that song...


J. Walters said...

About 99 francs, why don't you read the book? C'est aussi amusant, avec davantage de style, un brin plus de psychologie, tout en restant très accessible. As-tu l'habitude de lire en français?

Mr. Percival Piggles said...

Wow! C'est la premiere fois que j'ai vu ce commentaire! Oui, je lis en francais aussi...tres souvent en fait! Bonne idee Monsieur Walters!