I have not uploaded new pics as planned so here is a picture of cake. Mmm cake. I bought that at Pekarna in the Old Forum (Atwater metro station). I love cake and that is one of the best places. Their prices are decent and they always have a nice selection of tempting treats. You can usually buy an entire cake or just a slice, whichever you prefer.
Today was Victoria Day. I’m usually very clever yet I don’t really know why it is significant. Queen Victoria’s b-day perhaps? I could simply google it to find out but I am feeling rather lazy this evening. In any case, most people that I know just think of it as an extra day off of work.
Since I was free all day, I went to the bookstore with Ange. I have been dying to get my hooves on a book called Rawvolution. It is an (un)cookbook with raw vegan recipes. If you are unsure as to what a raw vegan is, the really simplified explanation is that it is someone who is vegan (does not eat or use anything that comes from animals) but also does not use cooked food. If you want a better and more complete definition then check out Wikipedia! I am neither vegan nor raw vegan but I really want to try a couple of recipes that I heard about. I am intrigued by the raw vegan diet and how it makes me re-think food. I did find the book but decided it was too expensive. I am really feeling the pains of the starving artist lifestyle. If I had bought the book I would not have had money left to buy groceries! That would be silly. Instead, I shall try recipes I find free online. BTW, the cakes in the pic are most certainly NOT vegan…just delicious.
Whilst at the bookstore I also took a little looky-look at Russell Brand’s My Booky Wook. I have already read it (twice) but I got my copy in the UK. I like the UK cover better but the American edition has more pictures. Perhaps I have mentioned this book before? If not, it is an interesting read indeed.
Tonight’s song is Morrissey ‘I’m Throwing my Arms Around Paris.’ I love Morrissey’s music and the fact that he is such a curmudgeon in interviews. Also, see how I managed to mention two fellow vegetarians in this post? While I’m at it, Russell Brand is a fan of Morrissey and named his cat after him. My leap in logic has lead me to think of singing cats and now I have that damned ‘Jingle Cats’ song in my head…
Sweet dreams darlings!
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