I was unsure of what to write this evening. I had a very pleasant weekend thus far, with great company and good food. Now I am once again alone and pondering what to write on my little bloggy-blog here...
Several weeks ago I met with some friends to dig up a time capsule that we buried in 1996. I was just a wee piglet then, still finding my place in this world. Originally, we had planned to dig it up at the 10 year mark but found that getting all the original participants together was too difficult. Three of us decided to dig it up without the others because we had used an old camper cooler to bury the items in, and started to fear that the contents would be damaged. There was indeed damage, with the exception of some items places in a bucket within the cooler, and we threw many things out. All of us had forgotten what exactly was in the time capsule so we were surprised by what our younger selves considered significant. Basically, we found a lot of magazines, notes that we passed in class, drawings and other oddities and creations. There were also letters to our future selves and some trinkets. In future, I may post a series of photos that we took to document the contents. For today, I have included two of the ones pertaining to fashion. The bottom one is from a 1996 edition of the now defunct YM magazine heralding 'Genius jeans!'As you can see, you would have to be a genius to pick such fetching ensembles! The top picture is my own attempt at drawing a fashion line...please keep in mind it was the 90s!
Ciao darlings et a bientot! (insert accents in necessary places)
Tonight's song: Tom Waits 'Real Gone' album
1 comment:
Good Morning,
Altought every song worth its place, maybe three of them worth by themselves a whole place under the big top of this black circus...
Dead & Lovely
Green Grass
Make It Rain (my favorite)
A fan of yours
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