Ah yes, where is the post for February? I haven't the foggiest idea. Time is just flying by. I'm back in Montreal for a brief sejour before returning up north again. Last week I was in Alberta. That was nice. I was able to visit several people I don't see very often and the weather was warm and lovely. It also gave me a chance to get away from some drama in Montreal and now I feel incredible!
So, for the month of March I decided to join my friend Robyn on her personal challenge to go vegan. I was already vegetarian, and I'd been gravitating towards veganism for some time. I thought, how hard can it be? The answer is that it is much harder than I imagined. I now have to really think about everything that I put in my mouth. I have to read ingredients and many restaurants are simply off limits. When I started I thought that I would miss cheese and yogurt more than anything but in fact, I find that the lack of dairy seems to be giving me a lot of energy. The first few days I was simply craving pastries and doughnuts. Basically, I was craving anything baked and doughy and sweet and fattening and OFF LIMITS! Even chocolate is a no-no. *sniff* Yes, I have cheated a couple of times...okay, maybe more than a couple of times. There was that butter-pecan bar, and that muffin, and that milk chocolate...mmm. But all-in-all, I feel fantastic. I've been making a lot of recipes from a great well-known cookbook called "How it All Vegan" and I don't know what I would do without it. I don't know if this will be a long-term change, but I just feel so damn good that it might have to be.
Since I mentioned sweets, I've posted a pic of myself with the vegan cookies that I baked. The recipe was from the aforementioned cookbook. They were good in a sweet-tooth-craving pinch.
I'll keep you posted darlings!
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